Compuplan Knowledge Institute (CKI), ‘Institute of Applied geo-Spatial and Environmental Informatics’, was founded in January 1984 as a foundation under the Foundation’s Law of the Netherlands and is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 41082398. The foundation is non-profit based, and is active both at home and abroad, especially in developing countries.
The foundation has been established based upon the Dutch (interim) Law on Universities Reform 1970 (“Wet Universitaire Bestuurshervorming”) and the Dutch Law on Scientific Education 1984 (“Wet Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs”).
The institute is also, according to the Dutch Law on Education and Vocational Education, article 7.2.10, section 1, ECABO certified as an applied training institute for vocational education in information and communication technology (ICT), since 2003. This certification is registered under number 9644910.
In 2008, the Dutch government acknowledged Compuplan officially as a Knowledge Institute and as such registered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Compuplan’s activities are strongly project-focused with the aim to support operational decision making at various policy and governmental levels. Main fields of activities are land use and city planning, (historical) geography and cultural heritage, geology, water, (flood) disaster management, graphic design & animation, and cartography. As much as possible, each of the software related activities of the foundation are “project-focused” which implies:
(1.) a conceptual approach,
(2.) supporting and applied research,
(3.) training and seminars,
(4.) (specific) software development,
(5.) application of software and guidance,
(6.) generalization and generalizing of the approach, and
(7.) demonstrations and seminars.
Information / contact: cp@compuplan.nl | george@compuplan.nl

Copyright (C) CKI 2024