
Welcome to CKI Institute For Applied Geo-Informatics (Kennisinstituut Voor Toegepaste Geo-Ruimtelijke En Milieu Informatica)

Main fields of activities are land use and city planning, (historical) geography and cultural heritage, geology, water, (flood) disaster management and cartography.

Compuplan’s activities are strongly project-focused with the aim to support operational decision making at various policy and governmental levels.

As much as possible, each of the software related activities of the foundation are “project-focused” which implies:

(1.) a conceptual approach,

(2.) supporting and applied research,

(3.) training and seminars,

(4.) (specific) software development,

(5.) application of software and guidance,

(6.) generalization and generalizing of the approach, and

(7.) demonstrations and seminars.

Information / contact:                  cp@compuplan.nl | george@compuplan.nl